Mom Can Be Right - Sometimes
I've had a number of friends whose parents use some guilt trip or another to get their kids to do things they don't want to do. My parents don't seem to hold grudges about choices their children have made. I really admire this about my parents. This doesn't mean we never disagree, it just means we respect each others' thoughts, choices, and decisions. I can even respect my mom's decision to wait 6 weeks to decide to buy a plane ticket to Ghana, even though I completely disagree with her thinking.
This may seem unrelated, but I like to think I get my "kitchen style" from my parents. I learned to bake and cook from my mother, and learned about fusion from my dad (the man loves peanut butter and broccoli sandwiches - I know, I don't get it). I love to mix my food types, using a fried plantain as a wiener (not recommended), pasta with tamales, frying udon noodles and eating them with creamed corn, and putting cereal in my oatmeal. Even though I'm not a foodie, anytime my parents bring up something kitchen-related, I listen.
Back in November, I went to Baltimore for a couple of weeks. While I was there, we were talking about palm oil for some reason. If you've never had palm oil, you should know that it stains EVERYTHING; hands, dishes, and in the modern freeze-it-and-eat-the-rest-later world we live in, tupperware. My dad told me how my mom had heard that putting palm oil-stained tupperware in the sun would get rid of it. He hadn't believed it, but then tried it, and was shocked; I still didn't really believe it. I'm one of these seeing is believing people, so I was not satisfied with my parents saying it worked, although I said nothing at the time.
Fast forward to last week. I took pasta (with some fake chicken from the Chinese grocery store thrown in for some fusion) to work, in tupperware. I used the same tupperware for 3 days during the week, watching the tomato sauce stain get worse and worse each time I used it.
On Thursday night Lauren mentioned that I had stained the tupperware. I decided to experiment. Tomato sauce is not palm oil, but if it works on nasty palm oil, it must work on tomato sauce, right? I washed the tupperware on Thursday night, and took a picture of it at 8:45 am on Friday morning. Here it is...

Friday was overcast. The sun barely came out. I still put it out, moving it from room to room, to get the most outside light as possible. I didn't wash the tupperware on Friday evening. On Saturday, at 8:45 am, I took this picture....

It was sunnier on Saturday, so I repeated the process, moving the tupperware from room to room, and took at picture this morning (Sunday) at 8:45 am.....

I can't explain how it works, but it's amazing!!!
My parents were right - this time. Now if I can just convince my mom to buy that plane ticket, I'll be happy.
This may seem unrelated, but I like to think I get my "kitchen style" from my parents. I learned to bake and cook from my mother, and learned about fusion from my dad (the man loves peanut butter and broccoli sandwiches - I know, I don't get it). I love to mix my food types, using a fried plantain as a wiener (not recommended), pasta with tamales, frying udon noodles and eating them with creamed corn, and putting cereal in my oatmeal. Even though I'm not a foodie, anytime my parents bring up something kitchen-related, I listen.
Back in November, I went to Baltimore for a couple of weeks. While I was there, we were talking about palm oil for some reason. If you've never had palm oil, you should know that it stains EVERYTHING; hands, dishes, and in the modern freeze-it-and-eat-the-rest-later world we live in, tupperware. My dad told me how my mom had heard that putting palm oil-stained tupperware in the sun would get rid of it. He hadn't believed it, but then tried it, and was shocked; I still didn't really believe it. I'm one of these seeing is believing people, so I was not satisfied with my parents saying it worked, although I said nothing at the time.
Fast forward to last week. I took pasta (with some fake chicken from the Chinese grocery store thrown in for some fusion) to work, in tupperware. I used the same tupperware for 3 days during the week, watching the tomato sauce stain get worse and worse each time I used it.
On Thursday night Lauren mentioned that I had stained the tupperware. I decided to experiment. Tomato sauce is not palm oil, but if it works on nasty palm oil, it must work on tomato sauce, right? I washed the tupperware on Thursday night, and took a picture of it at 8:45 am on Friday morning. Here it is...

Friday was overcast. The sun barely came out. I still put it out, moving it from room to room, to get the most outside light as possible. I didn't wash the tupperware on Friday evening. On Saturday, at 8:45 am, I took this picture....

It was sunnier on Saturday, so I repeated the process, moving the tupperware from room to room, and took at picture this morning (Sunday) at 8:45 am.....

I can't explain how it works, but it's amazing!!!
My parents were right - this time. Now if I can just convince my mom to buy that plane ticket, I'll be happy.
I don't understand the physics or chemistry of this, but guess that is has to do with solar ultra-violet (or maybe infrared?) rays reacting with (i.e., burning off) the stain. However, it certainly does a great job!
Hey--don't knock broccoli and peanut butter sandwiches (on whole wheat bread) until you try them. The salty-sweetness of peanut butter balances the green bitterness of broccoli--it's great!
AND--ref your last paragraph: parents are ALWAYS right! :-)
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