Thursday, February 02, 2006

Marriage advice from a Ghanaian Professor

While we were in Ghana, Lauren met up with a professor she is still working with. After hearing of our engagement, he gave us advice. I thought it was funny. Here it is:

I pray that you'll love each other until the end of time and that no misunderstanding will ever emerge throughout your married life.... Our secret is that when she is angry I remain dead silent and when I'm also angry she doesn't utter a single word. I gladly swallow all the insults if she chooses to insult me. As soon as she calms down I find something funny to tell her, say, 'Indeed, I always become refreshed when you shower insults on me' or ‘your anger and insults have really made my day’ etc. She is more humorous than I, so she often tells me things that make me laugh my lungs out after quarrelling. She describes the shape of my lips and face in a very funny way, when insulting her....Both of you must learn to say sorry when you're even right and your significant other is wrong. Marrying is one thing, but maintaining/retaining the marriage till the end of time is what matters most. So this is my piece of advice to both you and Kodwo.


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