Friday, October 26, 2007

Marketing, math classes, and the cold

So my Marketing class started yesterday. I think any class to follow Dr. Pantos' Capital Markets class would be somewhat of a let down. While I'm sure marketing is a fascinating field, I get the feeling it's not going to be a class I look forward to going to every week. The class is huge (46 students), I feel like I'm taking a class at De Anza, or something. I don't remember the last time I was in a class that had so many students in it.

Unrelated, I observed an instructor teach the other day, and he mentioned something I hadn't thought about in a LONG time. He was talking about taking upper level and graduate level math classes, and the way the grading worked. He mentioned to his class that getting a 47% was an A. I remember those days....the days when the thought of getting anything higher than a 60% was just that, a thought.

So I have a cold. I'm such a baby about these things. I never get sick, so when I do, I sit around feeling sorry for myself. The thing is, when I'm sick, most people don't even know I'm sick. I'm one of these people who insist on showing the world that I'm perfectly fine, then I come home....

I don't really know what else to say. It's felt like a dull week, even though it has been pretty busy. But it's been busy with things that would probably bore most of you in blog land, so I'll spare you any details.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is up with the 47% being an A?

October 27, 2007 3:37 AM  
Blogger Jefferson said...

In most of my upper division and graduate math classes, the professors made the tests so hard that no one ever got above 50-60%, so a crazy curve would be set. I once had a class where getting 20% on a test gave you a C on that test.

October 27, 2007 3:25 PM  

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