Friday, August 15, 2008

Where I Live

I was making lunch yesterday: potato browns, mixed with some vegetables, plantain and fake ham from the Chinese grocery in town. While making the meal, it hit me: in a few years, I won't be able to go to the Chinese grocery store, the Mexican grocery store, the European produce store, Trader Joe's and Safeway, all in one hour.

I'm starting to miss where I live even though I still live here.

If you know me well, you know that Lauren and I will probably not be in the Bay Area for more than a couple of more years. Her job will take us to some unknown college town in some unknown part of the world. Massachusetts? Kansas? Washington? Wales? Singapore? Who knows?

I was riding on the light rail, after turning in the business plan I was required to do for my MBA capstone class (I'll write more about that another time), and I was hit again with the prospect of leaving the area. I was staring out of the window at the blue sky in the 80-degree weather and thought how great the weather is here. It's not humid in the summer, it doesn't snow in the winter, many of my students have no concept of what 10-degree Fahrenheit feels like, what more could I ask for? I have never cared for 'the seasons' like some people do. 'The seasons' usually involve digging cars out of snow and wearing 4 layers of clothing to check the mail. Not my idea of fun.

Why am I thinking about this now? Probably because I have a week and a half of nothing else to do. I'm in a break between MBA classes, Summer session at De Anza is over, and I'm sitting around watching the Olympics til 1AM, so I have not much else to think about, and not much else to blog about.


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