Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Last Day was the Longest

I've been working on an MBA since August 2006. I had my last class on Thursday. I spent close to 12 hours at the class's site on Thursday, finishing up our final project from 10 am to 6 pm, then attending class from 6 to 10 pm. I didn't think my last day in the program would be my longest.

On Friday, I felt this need to go to De Anza, so I did. I didn't do much there; checked my mail and did minor things in my office, but I just felt like I needed to be there.

Since August 2006, my life has had 3 parts to it: my home life, my work life and my school life. Work and school took up a lot of time. Looking back now, I don't see how I got through the month of March this year. I brought this up to Lauren the other night, and she said she remembers watching me go from one task to the next, looking like I was burning myself out. I don't think I realized how much time I was spending on work and school at the time, I just knew that I had things to do, and did them.

My school life is now done. It reminds me of when I did theater in high school, and that odd feeling the day after the last performance. This big chuck of life, and the people in that life, just gone; the people I saw weekly (and sometimes on Saturdays) from 6-10 at 180 Rose Orchard.

The people from the MBA aren't gone gone, but I won't see them much anymore; no complaining about the workload, or talking about the shock of getting A's in our law class (I'm still shocked about that, over 4 months after it happened), or not understanding exactly what the professor wants from assignments, or reading cases, doing power point presentations, writing papers, taking exams, etc.

I think it's going to take a while for me to realize that I'm done. Right now, I'm just glad to have finished up the 2 classes I just took. The thought that I'm not going to take anymore hasn't completely set in yet. I think it will set in when I start to miss the program, and especially the people I met in the program.

Until then, I find myself wanting to do De Anza work, as a way of filling the void.


Blogger Joel West said...

Your 12 hours was time well spent, as you did a great job on the final project. Perhaps we'll make an entrepreneur out of you yet!

November 08, 2008 10:41 AM  

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