Wednesday, August 20, 2008


If you don't watch The Daily Show, you should. If you don't know who John Hodgman is, you're missing out....

Taking John's advice, we had our own little Holistay on Monday (although we did leave our apartment). Because we had a day free, and because Lauren had wanted to drive Highway 1 from Santa Cruz to San Francisco, we took the day and did just that.

First, I dropped my car off at the mechanic for an oil change (over 50 hours later, I have still to hear from him about the progress of a 20 minute procedure). We then drove to Santa Cruz, where we hung out on the boardwalk for about an hour, and then headed north.

On the beach along Highway 1

We drove to Half Moon Bay (with a couple of brief stops on the way) where we had a late lunch, and continued onto SF. Lauren showed me a few of the highlights in The Sunset District (where she has been conducting her research), saw the buffalo and windmill in Golden Gate Park, and then went to Cliff House, where Lauren was to meet with some old timers from the Sunset, who get together every month. I sat in the car, and read some of The Monk and the Riddle, which I have to read for a class that starts up next week.

We ended the evening off by going to the Tennessee Grill, and then headed home.


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