Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Older women

"you do well with older women" - Lauren

Lauren made the comment above, a couple of days ago, after leaving a send-off party for Cheri Blauwet, who is heading off the Paralympic games, in Beijing. You may have seen the Visa ads she stars in, while watching the Olympics.

Anyhow, we were at this party, with lots of young people, and I end up talking to one of the few people over 50, for about 1/2 an hour. I've found that this is often how I end up socializing at parties; I end up talking to the outsiders, the people who don't really fit in with the rest of the group. Often, this has been older women.

I've never liked socializing, and probably never will. As I've blogged about before, I dread going to events where I will have to talk to people, so I tend to gravitate to one of two types of people: the other people who dread socializing, or the people who are so desperate to talk to someone that they end up driving people away and end up talking to me.

It's no fun to socialize with non-socializers, because we just end up staring at each other with nothing to say - nobody likes that. The other group is much more interesting. They ask questions, I answer, they ask more questions, I answer, they talk about them selves, I nod, and everybody's happy.


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