Friday, November 24, 2006

Giving Thanks

Over the past few days leading up to Thanksgiving, several perple asked me if I celebrated Thanksgiving. The question often came up after the person found out that I am a vegetarian. It got me thinking though - what does it mean to celebrate Thanksgiving?

If it means eating Turkey, then I don't. If it means eating, then I guess I cebrate Thanksgiving 3 times a day, all year long. I guess it lies somewhere in between.

Growing up in Nigeria, I don't remember us celebrating Thanksgiving (it's not a Nigerain holiday, but my father would be sure to let us know when any major American holiday was upon us). Hopefully, he can comment on here, to let us all know if we celebrated Thanksgiving in Nigeria.

The thing I don't like about the holiday is that it's supposed to be a day of giving thanks for what you have. I would like to think I do that more than one day a year. It also has become so tied to things other than it's name (eating lots of food, football games, the big sales the weekend holds) that, I think, waters down the holiday.

Do I celebrate Thanksgiving? Yes, but the holiday means something slightly different to me. I met Lauren the day after Thanksgiving, 3 years ago. That's what I'm most thankful for this weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI--We did attempt to celebrate American Thanksgiving Day while we lived in Nigeria. Of course, it was not a school holiday for either your school or my teaching and sometimes I also had meetings in the afternoon. However, we tried to keep the holiday in mind and usually had something special as our meal (usually roast chicken). A couple times in the 70s, the American community organized a potluck meal--with turkey, even. However, in the 80s there were not many Americans left, and those who were there did not do things as a group.

November 27, 2006 7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. I noticed you stopped by my Xanga account (Qwennigan) and thought I'd check out your site. I like your insights on Thanksgiving and I totally share them. I don't understand how we can claim the holiday is about family and giving thanks when the things it's best known for are eating and football. That's not a holiday, it's a typical day in Texas. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and let you kow I was here.

December 08, 2006 1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Thanksgiving is something that should happen everyday, and how like all holidays, the true meaning is lost because of commericalization (similar to Christmas (Eve)...) and/or things like Football.
~Caroline Klawender

January 09, 2007 6:01 PM  

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