
The first time I played Sudoku was in December 2005. Lauren's brother , Skylan, was into it, and I thought it was really hard, and so I messed around for a little while, then gave up.
In the next year, I would see the craze of the game, and never really got what the big deal was. I was content to be a non-Sudoku person until Chynna (Lauren's sister) gave me a Sudoku-Puzzle-a-day calendar.
Now, I can't stop, once I start a puzzle. I'm still not very good at it, and it often takes me more than 30 minutes to finish a puzzle, but once I start, it's hard to put it down.
I often do the puzzle when I'm on the bike at the gym. I rarely finish while I'm on the bike, and find myself working on the puzzle as I walk back to my office, as I change my shoes, as I'm buying gas, as I'm eating dinner. Chynna, what have you turned me into??? I'm now one of those Sudoku people.