Monday, December 25, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
The Accounting Book

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you probably know that I'm in an MBA program.
Anyhow, with two classes down, I'm starting to get into the whole MBA thing. Here's where the problem comes up. My third class (an Accounting class)starts on January 2, but I'm in Costa Rica on our honeymoon unitl January 5.
I emailed the professor, got the first week's readings and assignments, and I thought I would be good to go. I ordered the book last week, with the hope that it would get here yesterday, giving me two days to work on stuff, because Lauren's family is coming to town in a couple of days. The book didn't come yesterday, the book didn't come today. If it comes tomorrow, I have an evening to get through all the stuff before Lauren's family arrives on Thursday morning. If it doesn't come tomorrow, I don't know when I'll work on the readings and assignments.
This reminds me of the time my dad sent us a Ghana guidebook, and we waited and waited; it arrived the day after we left for Ghana.
We will be in town until the 26th, so one option would be to take the text book to Costa Rica with me.....I don't think Lauren's to keen on that idea.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Throwing Keys

I love the sound keys make when they are thrown in the air. There was a time in my life when I played with keys all the time. I would throw them super high, and then listen to that sound, and then catch them. I once hit my grandmother in the head, because I lost control of the keys.
A friend of mine in college once told me that she could always tell when I was coming down the hall in our dorm, because she could hear the keys. I played with keys all the time.
I haven't played with keys in a while. I don't know why really, it just kind of stopped.
Tonight, I was walking back from putting paper in the recyling bin in our apartment complex, when I got the sudden urge to throw my keys. There it was again, that sound. I threw my keys a few more times, before I got back to the apartment. It was peaceful to hear that sound, that sound of being free from your owner, and just hanging in the air for a second or two. I love the sound keys make when they are thrown in the air.

Saturday, December 09, 2006
The Week
I'm hoping to not do anything work related tomorrow. It's been a busy week, which is why I haven't been here in so long.
Finals are next week, so I had to make sure my finals were ready to be given. In addition, I had to grade a Precalculus exam, and the usual grading that has to be done.
The capper was the ending of the communications class I'm taking at SJSU. We had to write a 20-page paper, as a group. We had 6 people, and spent most of Wednesday evening, and early into Thursday morning (6pm-1am, to be precise), finishing up the paper. I also had to put together a portfolio for the class.
I'm glad the class is over. I liked working on the portfolio. I was reminded that I should really hold on to stuff that might be beneficial, careerwise. I couldn't find my Bachelor's degree. How sad is that? I'm hoping to hold on to the portfolio (I'm actually not sure how we're supposed to get it back from the professor), and add to it, whenever I do anything significant.
In the portfolio, we had to list a dream job. I said mine would be the director of (MS)2. Now, I don't know if that would really be the best job for me, but I admired the director when I worked there, and I figure that's the kind of job where an MBA would be helpful.
Tomorrow, I'm going to see a movie, Stranger than Fiction. I hope it's good. No work for me tomoroow, baby; it's my day off!
Finals are next week, so I had to make sure my finals were ready to be given. In addition, I had to grade a Precalculus exam, and the usual grading that has to be done.
The capper was the ending of the communications class I'm taking at SJSU. We had to write a 20-page paper, as a group. We had 6 people, and spent most of Wednesday evening, and early into Thursday morning (6pm-1am, to be precise), finishing up the paper. I also had to put together a portfolio for the class.
I'm glad the class is over. I liked working on the portfolio. I was reminded that I should really hold on to stuff that might be beneficial, careerwise. I couldn't find my Bachelor's degree. How sad is that? I'm hoping to hold on to the portfolio (I'm actually not sure how we're supposed to get it back from the professor), and add to it, whenever I do anything significant.
In the portfolio, we had to list a dream job. I said mine would be the director of (MS)2. Now, I don't know if that would really be the best job for me, but I admired the director when I worked there, and I figure that's the kind of job where an MBA would be helpful.
Tomorrow, I'm going to see a movie, Stranger than Fiction. I hope it's good. No work for me tomoroow, baby; it's my day off!