Grocery Shoppin'

I like going grocery shopping. I often hear people (including my wife) complain about grocery shopping, but for the most part, I enjoy it.
What I don't enjoy is the other stuff involved with grocery shopping, namely some of the people who stand right outside the store trying to get something from you.
If people are asking for money, for a shelter or something, I always give. They are right to the point: we need money to help people, give us money. I also don't particularly mind girl scouts. Again; we need money, we will give you overpriced cookies for money, give us money.
What I don't like, is the people who are there with some sort of political agenda.
I'm all for the environment; I recycle everything, and I want to buy a car that can run on vegetable oil, but I don't need some college kid harassing me as I come out of Trader Joe's. Today, as I was going into TJ's, there were these California environment people standing outside of the store. If you live in a wealthy part of California, you see them with their light blue T-shirts, and their clip boards. It's funny, I never saw them when I went into downtown Oakland. Why is that I wonder? Are people in the inner city not supposed to care about the environment? Funny. Hmm...
Anyhow, as I was going into the store, there was an elderly woman (who seemed like she was in a bad mood) coming out of the store. The CA environment guy asked her how she was doing. She responded by saying "I'm not having a good day". You would think this would be reason for him to leave her alone, but no. He said "I can make your day better". By signing some form?!?! I was hoping he would stop me when I was coming out, just so I could go off on him, but he didn't, because he was busy harassing other people.
6 hours later: I'm coming out of Nob Hill grocery store (like I said, I like grocery shopping) when a college-aged guy says to me "Limit our politicians' time in office!" He wanted me to sign something. I asked him who was sponsoring this thing he wanted me to sign. He said "I dunno. Tim, who's sponsoring this?", he yelled to his coworker. I said "I'm not going to sign this if you can't even tell me who you're working for", and walked off.
Like I said, I like grocery shopping, but every time I see someone with a clipboard standing by the entrance, it makes my shopping experience slightly less enjoyable. Maybe that's one of the reasons so many people don't like grocery shopping.

I get annoyed with the clipboard carriers also. Normally, I enjoy the grocery shopping experience, but people with clipboards can sometimes ruin it. Today, I was stopped by a California environment blue shirt wearing teen at Trader Joe's. I was impressed that he knew what cause he was supposedly supporting, but when I asked him to give me his top five reasons as to why I should sign his papers, he couldn't think beyond, "Don't you want to keep Lake Tahoe clean?" What's even more sad is that his pal couldn't help him out! Sheesh, you would think that these people would get a crash course in the organization that they are trying to gain support for.
Now, if only Trader Joe's made home deliveries. It would save me from the clipboard fools!
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