Sunday, August 05, 2007

The craziness is about to begin....

This week is going to be crazy!

Actually, it started last Thursday, when I had my capital markets final. Even though I'm glad the class is over, I will miss it. It was, by far, my favorite MBA class I've taken. I enjoyed the way Prof. Pantos presented material, even though it was hard to follow at times. I also loved how students weren't afraid to disagree with him, even if it meant him kind of getting in their face about it. It was what I thought MBA classes would be like, and I really hope to take a class with Prof. Pantos again.

Onto this week. Our reception is now 6 days away, and there is still work to be done. We have to meet with the caterer again tomorrow, I met with the cake people (and changed the cake order for the third time) yesterday, we're working on where people will sit, and how to arrange furniture in the room. We will have 2 hours to set up the room, come home, change, and head back to welcome people next Saturday. It will be a crazy day.

All of this would not be so bad, if this week wasn't the last week of the Summer session for me. In the next four days, I'm giving an exam and a final, collecting homework, an assignment, and a project. I have to grade all these things, and turn in my grades by the following Wednesday. I'm not sure how I'm going to accomplish all this, but what has to be done, has to be done...


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