Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ankle update

Turns out my ankle is not broken, but sprained. This is good news.

The bad news is, I won’t be playing soccer for a while.

To those of you who don’t understand the mild obsession I have with playing soccer, this might not seem as anything so bad. For me, it’s horrible. There is a part of me that wishes it were broken, because then I would feel that at least I wasn’t playing because I broke my ankle. A sprain sounds kind of wussy.

I know that I can play on the bad ankle (I’ve done it in 4 games, and even scored with the foot that has the bad ankle, in two of them), but I shouldn’t. Playing on the ankle, I felt much slower than I usually am (not to brag, but I have yet to meet anyone in our league who is faster than me), so I should get healed, and get back into top form.

The thing that sucks is that I’m going to miss the last game of the Spring/Summer season, which is on Friday.


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