Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
The End of Daylight Savings Time
I really like daylight savings time, but it has come to an end.
Alas, the days of having light well into the evening are now gone, and it will start to get dark by 6 pm.
When I lived in Michigan, the end of daylight savings meant winter was upon us (even though it was often there before the end of daylight savings), so I didn't notice it as much, because I wasn't spending any time in the "cool" evening weather. In California, however, where the weather is still nice, it kind of sucks to have the end of daylight savings, to see the darkness set in an hour earlier, closing all the blinds, and saying goodbye to the world earlier.
Of course, the retort is that it gets lighter an hour earlier, but being that I don't wake up early enough to appreciate that hour, it just feels like the day is an hour shorter.
Alas, the days of having light well into the evening are now gone, and it will start to get dark by 6 pm.
When I lived in Michigan, the end of daylight savings meant winter was upon us (even though it was often there before the end of daylight savings), so I didn't notice it as much, because I wasn't spending any time in the "cool" evening weather. In California, however, where the weather is still nice, it kind of sucks to have the end of daylight savings, to see the darkness set in an hour earlier, closing all the blinds, and saying goodbye to the world earlier.
Of course, the retort is that it gets lighter an hour earlier, but being that I don't wake up early enough to appreciate that hour, it just feels like the day is an hour shorter.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Man, I've been really lazy with posting on here.
What to talk about? Hmmm....I saw two movies over the weekend. The Departed, and Flags of Our Fathers.
The Departed was an actors movie, with lots of great lines, and great performances by Alec Baldwin and Marky Mark Wahlberg, in relatively small roles. It was a good movie, but not phenomenal.
Flags of Our Fathers was a good war movie, but not as good as Saving Private Ryan (the best war movie I've ever seen). The performance that stuck out in that film, for me, was that of Adam Beach. The guy deserves more roles than he gets, and I think he deserves an Oscar nomination for his performance.
I can't believe I'm talking movies on here. That used to be my big-time hobby. A friend of mine in college said I was in the wrong major, and I should be getting a journalism degree and become a film critic. Ah, but those days are over. I never see movies in the theater anymore. Partly because I feel like every time I go to theater, I end up getting a nasty headache later in the day. This happened with both movies I saw yesterday.
Has anyone heard of Migra-Zen? It's supposed to help with migraine headaches, which I get more than I'd like to. I don't get those knock-you-down-see-auras migraines, I just get throbbing headaches, and light sensitivity. I'm just wondering if it works.
Anyway, what else to say...the wedding planning is coming along. Lauren got a cake, which sounds awesome (I wasn't there when she got it, so I didn't get to partake in the tasting).
What to talk about? Hmmm....I saw two movies over the weekend. The Departed, and Flags of Our Fathers.
The Departed was an actors movie, with lots of great lines, and great performances by Alec Baldwin and Marky Mark Wahlberg, in relatively small roles. It was a good movie, but not phenomenal.
Flags of Our Fathers was a good war movie, but not as good as Saving Private Ryan (the best war movie I've ever seen). The performance that stuck out in that film, for me, was that of Adam Beach. The guy deserves more roles than he gets, and I think he deserves an Oscar nomination for his performance.
I can't believe I'm talking movies on here. That used to be my big-time hobby. A friend of mine in college said I was in the wrong major, and I should be getting a journalism degree and become a film critic. Ah, but those days are over. I never see movies in the theater anymore. Partly because I feel like every time I go to theater, I end up getting a nasty headache later in the day. This happened with both movies I saw yesterday.
Has anyone heard of Migra-Zen? It's supposed to help with migraine headaches, which I get more than I'd like to. I don't get those knock-you-down-see-auras migraines, I just get throbbing headaches, and light sensitivity. I'm just wondering if it works.
Anyway, what else to say...the wedding planning is coming along. Lauren got a cake, which sounds awesome (I wasn't there when she got it, so I didn't get to partake in the tasting).
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I decided to skip my last leadership class tonight. He allows one absence, without penalty, so I decided to save it for the last class. I have enough information (I hope) to put together 3 10-page papers in the next 12 days. We'll see how it goes.
My next class doesn't start until November 1, so I get a few weeks without a 4-hour class in the middle of it. Woo hoo!
You would think I would be doing something exciting with this 4 extra hours, but no. I spent most of the late afternoon/early evening doing what I do every day - grading!
I was just telling Lauren how I leave work, to get work done. I am so much better at getting things done (like grading, and writing exams) at home than I am at work. I sometimes try to leave campus as soon as I can, so I can go home and work. I admire teachers who can work at work. I wish I could do all my work at work, but I move at such a slow pace when I try to get stuff done in my office.
Because I've been wanting to post pictures on here for a while, here are a couple of me grading. I'm getting some help, or hinderance, depending on the way you look at it.

My next class doesn't start until November 1, so I get a few weeks without a 4-hour class in the middle of it. Woo hoo!
You would think I would be doing something exciting with this 4 extra hours, but no. I spent most of the late afternoon/early evening doing what I do every day - grading!
I was just telling Lauren how I leave work, to get work done. I am so much better at getting things done (like grading, and writing exams) at home than I am at work. I sometimes try to leave campus as soon as I can, so I can go home and work. I admire teachers who can work at work. I wish I could do all my work at work, but I move at such a slow pace when I try to get stuff done in my office.
Because I've been wanting to post pictures on here for a while, here are a couple of me grading. I'm getting some help, or hinderance, depending on the way you look at it.

Monday, October 09, 2006
Monday, Monday
So, I found out a few days ago that Affie (my older sister) will not be able to make it to the wedding in December. Her attempt to get a visa was denied, once again. Affie lives in Ghana, and is a Ghanaian citizen. My mother, also a citizen of Ghana, has a green card and lives in Baltimore, but that can't seem to be enough to get Affie a Visa. She can't visit her own mother, because of the crappy, corrupt, US embassy, in Accra. I didn't really think Affie would get the visa, because she has tried quite a few times in the past, with the same result.
That's the big news of the weekend.
Mondays are rough for me this quarter. I got spoiled last year by just having MPS on Mondays. I would ease into the week. This year, that's not the case. I have two 2-hour classes on Mondays, so I feel a little worn out by the end of the day. I'm getting used to it though.
I feel like I haven't posted pictures on here in a while. I really like posting pictures, but haven't taken any good ones as of late, and I'm tired of posting pictures of Geordi.
That's the big news of the weekend.
Mondays are rough for me this quarter. I got spoiled last year by just having MPS on Mondays. I would ease into the week. This year, that's not the case. I have two 2-hour classes on Mondays, so I feel a little worn out by the end of the day. I'm getting used to it though.
I feel like I haven't posted pictures on here in a while. I really like posting pictures, but haven't taken any good ones as of late, and I'm tired of posting pictures of Geordi.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Yes, I am glad that it's Wednesday; Wednesday evening, more specifically.
The MBA class makes my Tuesday nights rough, which leads to rough Wednesdays. Before De Anza classes started, the idea of being in class from 6 to 10 pm on a Tuesday night didn't seem so bad. Now, however, I feel like it messes up my schedule.
Yesterday, Tuesday, I never ate lunch, barely ate dinner, and felt like I had no time. Between office hours, meetings, and grading, it was midnight before I knew it.
I'm not saying the MBA class is bad. It was actually a good class yesterday, but it messes up my Tuesdays. One week to go, then I start a new MBA class, which will mess up my Wednesdays.
The MBA class makes my Tuesday nights rough, which leads to rough Wednesdays. Before De Anza classes started, the idea of being in class from 6 to 10 pm on a Tuesday night didn't seem so bad. Now, however, I feel like it messes up my schedule.
Yesterday, Tuesday, I never ate lunch, barely ate dinner, and felt like I had no time. Between office hours, meetings, and grading, it was midnight before I knew it.
I'm not saying the MBA class is bad. It was actually a good class yesterday, but it messes up my Tuesdays. One week to go, then I start a new MBA class, which will mess up my Wednesdays.