Thursday, July 27, 2006

There's someting about this class...

There is something about this class I'm teaching this Summer. This may be the most unresponsive class I've ever tuaght. It's almost kind of scary.

I ask, "Are there any questions?"
No response.
"Would you prefer I do A or B?"

There are times when I feel like I will face the class, to see no one in it - they are that quiet. It's almost kind of scary. There are the few (very few) students who speak up, and I'm sure those students are getting the most out of the class, but the rest of them.....who knows?

I do this thing when I teach, where I ask the class to give me a number to use in an example. In most classes, I say "Someone, give me a number?", and I hear 5-6 different numbers. I often just go with whatever voice seems to catch my ear at that second. In this class, I ask the same question, and stand, with my hand holding chalk against the board, not knowing what to write; not becuase I have so many numbers to chose from, but because no one gave me a number. It's almost kind of scary.

I've tried to loosen them up, and some of them get into a random story I tell to kill time, to give everyone a chance to catch up to my manic board writing. But I honestly feel like I could stand up and stare at the room, and they would just stare back. Like I said, it's almost kind of scary...


Blogger Educator said...

This blog made me laugh out loud -
Thanks - - I have had the same feeling! Summer classes are always so much different, but from my small experience the students are usually more involved! Agree Scary ~ LOL

July 27, 2006 8:56 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

hey jeff,
is it kind of scary?

July 29, 2006 1:36 PM  
Blogger i don't really care said...

is it really that scary? ok i'll try to be more responsive from now on. will you give me any extra credit for that? lol. im in that zombie class btw

August 01, 2006 10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha i dont think most of us are really awake/responsive in the morning-ish. maybe thts the reason?lol I never knew it was that scary

July 20, 2007 7:05 PM  
Blogger Jefferson said...

this post was in response to my class LAST summer, but this summer it seems to be very similar.

July 20, 2007 7:21 PM  

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